Posts Tagged ‘Brazil’

Brazilian memories

Reminiscing on time in Rio de Janeiro as the snow falls in London

Welcome to the jungle

Well, five days up in the Amazon is a pretty short time to get to grips with such a huge space …but worth a taste. South of Manaus is Juma lake. From Manaus it takes over 30 mins to cross the Amazon and mid way you see the meeting of the two , black and […]

Hit the Rio beats

As a distraction from work in Rio it was pretty much obligatory to head to one of the samba bars in Lapa in the old centre of town. Wonderfully dilapidated buildings from the 20’s and 30’s now coming back to life as the heart of Rio nightlife. Shabby chic it may not be yet …but […]

Brazil – very much romance & reality

A few images from Brazil to show some of the contrasts – luxurious hotels, dramatic waterfalls and sitting behind the glamorous beaches, a huge expanse of favelas with people looking a better life.

Sergio Mendes returns

Well – a few weeks in Brazil certainly make me appreciate a country that lives football and dancing. Plus, if you try to go out on the town in Rio before 11pm they you are in for a lonely time ! A few photos to come soon, as I was fascinated by the dramatic contrast […]